

January 5th, 2024


Today, I`m working half day only.
Because, I will go to watch Cirque du Soleil.
I`m first to circus so I`m looking forward to it.
After that I will creating a road map for achievement of gole.

Today, I'm working only half a day because I will go to watch Cirque du Soleil.
 It will be my first time at the circus, so I'm looking forward to it.
 After that, I will create a roadmap to achieve my goals.

"Today, I'm working half day only." を "Today, I'm working only half a day." と修正し
only は修飾する語の前に置く

"Cirque du Soleil" は正式名称なので、大文字

"I'm first to circus so I'm looking forward to it." を "It will be my first time at the circus, so I'm looking forward to it." に修正し、より自然に

After that I will creating a road map for achievement of gole." を "After that, I will create a roadmap to achieve my goals." と修正し、文の時制と文法を整えました。
will creating →will+動詞の原形なので誤りwill create に修正
roadmap は一語


Cirque du Soleil シルクドゥソレイユ
It will be my first time これが初めての経験~
half a day 半日